Tag Archive for: healthy living

Free from bulimia, low back pain, aching joints, absent periods, low energy
Felicity from London…

Fruitarian family lives in a truck in the UK and in Thailand in the winter
The British couple John and Sophie and their 3…

How to follow your fruitarian dream and move to the tropics
Have you ever dreamt about quitting your 9-5 job…

How to heal yourself naturally – withouth supplements, pills or treatments
Yes - you can actually heal a lot of diseases naturally without…

Free from severe acne
Last year when I was in Chiang Mai, Thailand I met a Canadian…

Cycling around Europe on a fruit filled vegan diet
A little while back I met a Bosnian guy who had…

Exotic Fruit and Happy Fruitarians at the UK Fruit Festival 2015
I recently went to the UK Fruit Festival and enjoyed a variety…

Fruit Winter Festival 2015, Chiang Mai, Thailand
Every year I go to a lot of fruit festivals around the world…