Tag Archive for: fruitarian

Free from bulimia, low back pain, aching joints, absent periods, low energy
Felicity from London…

Fruitarian family lives in a truck in the UK and in Thailand in the winter
The British couple John and Sophie and their 3…

Free from severe acne
Last year when I was in Chiang Mai, Thailand I met a Canadian…

From low to high energy with a high carb low fat raw vegan diet (80/10/10 )
I used to be really tied and could hardly walk at one point.…

Fresh Food Festival Direct 2015 Day 3
This morning people are up bright and early for the fitness…

In this Google Hangout that was broadcast live I share my…

Exotic fruit buffet and troublesome durian
I’m in paradise in an exotic fruit buffet in Bangkok but…

Free from multiple diseases and ailments with diet change
After five and a half years on a raw vegan diet I feel amazing…

How can fruit eaters afford to stay long term in Asia?
I meet a lot of people who dream about a life in the tropics…

My new years eve in Chiang Mai
Before I started my super healthy diet and life style…

How do you celebrate Christmas as a raw vegan?
Christmas can be a difficult time when you eat a raw…

How do fruitarians live and eat? (80/10/10 raw food)
I visited a fruitarian couple in Czech republic and the way…